Art on Two Wheels

Within many cultures and across generations, the bicycle is a powerful symbol of hope and progress. In the Southeast Los Angeles community bicycles are used as a form of transportation, a way to exercise, a moment of inspiration, and a way to find a connection to nature and the community. At the heart of the event is the idea that art and mindful bicycling can benefit our communities. Mindful bicycling allows us to move slowly and be aware of what our senses can experience while riding a bicycle. Through mindful bicycling, we can allow ourselves to be fully present in the moment and permit our senses to explore the world and understand our surroundings. Through art we can express our new awareness and creativity to help us remember our new form of exploration and understanding of the world while developing new skills, creating social connections, and embracing our identity. 


Date: Saturday April 23, 2022

Location: Hollydale Park

Bike Ride: 8am - 10am

Art on Two Wheels: 9am - 12pm